Information Technology-IT Professional - Additional Program Information
Contact Information |
Contact Title | Name | Phone | E-mail | Location |
Professor | Robert Banta | 586.445.7325 | | South Campus |
Program Description:
The Information Technology-IT Professional program is designed to prepare students for two types of Information Technology positions-inexperienced students seeking entry-level positions and experienced students seeking either IT management positions or IT project management positions where breadth of technical knowledge is required. The program will give the student a background in windows-based applications (word processing, spreadsheet applications, presentations, database management), web design, programming, operating systems, content management and networking. The program will also allow students to develop a deeper knowledge in one of the following areas: programming, mobile programming, database management and programming, web programming, gaming, applications professional, operating systems and security. The program will give the student the broad background in computers necessary for business, industry, and government job environments.
Program Outcomes:
Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to:
1. Use business software and systems to solve business problems.
2. Develop a computer program.
3. Develop websites and databases to meet a business need.
4. Configure networks and systems while applying fundamental network security principles.
5. Analyze Enterprise Content Management and its implementation in industry.
Career Opportunities: