Mar 11, 2025  
College Catalog 2021-2022 
College Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MACA 2180 - Concept Illustration

Credit Hours: 4.00

Prerequisites: MACA 1040  and MACA 1200  

MACA 2180 combines traditional and digital media in today’s illustration market. Focusing on “telling the story” in a multimedia environment, students learn to seamlessly integrate traditional painted or drawn illustration elements with photography, type, scanned textures, and Photoshop effect elements to create a print or web‑ready image.

Billable Contact Hours: 6

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Outcome 1: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to carry through a professional illustration assignment, from concept to completion.


  1. Conceptualize visual ideas.
  2. Create thumbnails.
  3. Illustrate a rough layout.
  4. Produce color comps.
  5. Render a final product.

Outcome 2: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to utilize a number of media, both traditional and digital, to create professional illustrations.

Objectives: Students will perform using mixed media, including

  1. Pencil sketching.
  2. Monotone sketching.
  3. Acrylic painting.
  4. PhotoShop.
  5. Illustrator.
  6. Recognizing RGB verses CMYK working environments regarding color handling and output.

Outcome 3: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to problem solve a visual concept and execute a project designed to satisfy a prospective client.


  1. Exhibit professional speech and behavior.
  2. Provide multiple solutions.
  3. Produce a finished product within designated timelines.
  4. In delivering criticism of other’s work, be considerate and focus the discussion on items over which the person has control. Respond non-defensively to criticism of one’s own work received from others.
  5. Work cooperatively in a group.
  6. Revise preliminary drawing concepts based upon client feedback.
  7. Successfully prepare artwork for print or web and create a printed presentation for the class.

• Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience.
• Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue.
• Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives.
• Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task.
• Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments.
• Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.

CDO marked YES apply to this course:
Communication: YES
Critical Thinking: YES
Global Literacy: YES
Information Literacy: YES
Quantitative Reasoning: YES
Scientific Literacy: YES

Week Topic

  1. Project #1 Problem Solve
  2. Project #1 Design
  3. Project #1 Client changes
  4. Project #1 Execute
  5. Project #2 Problem Solve
  6. Project #2 Design
  7. Project #2 Client changes
  8. Project #2 Execute
  9. Project #3 Problem Solve
  10. Project #3 Design
  11. Project #3 Client changes
  12. Project #3 Execute
  13. Project #4 Problem Solve
  14. Project #4 Design
  15. Project #4 Client changes
  16. Project #4 Execute

Primary Faculty
Busch, Matthew S
Secondary Faculty

Associate Dean
Thero, Laura
Hutchison, Donald

Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

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