MACA 2150 - Advanced Digital Layout Credit Hours: 4.00 Prerequisites: MACA 1055 , MACA 1200 , and MACA 1320
MACA 2150, a continuation of MACA 1055, uses Adobe InDesign software to create composite page layouts as B&W, spot color or 4 color process. Other applications introduced include Adobe Acrobat. Electronic files are output to a variety of B&W and color proofing devices.
Billable Contact Hours: 6
Search for Sections OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course, students will develop skills to generate work on a computer.Objectives:
Produce simple and complex documents using Adobe InDesign.
Demonstrate how to change application defaults.
Navigate through an electronic document.
Use the tools needed to place, create and modify graphics, images and text in an electronic document. Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify problems, approach them systematically, and explore solutions. Objectives:
Employ the use of spot color (Pantone) or CMYK (4 color process).
Employ the use of a network and a server.
Demonstrate how to change application defaults.
Navigate through an electronic document.
Use the tools needed to place, create and modify graphics, images and text in an electronic document. Outcome 3: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to create composite images electronically. Objectives:
Demonstrate the basics of electronic image assembly.
Produce B/W and /or color images.
Electronically output composite images using B/W and color printers.
Employ the use of spot color (Pantone) or CMYK (4 color process). COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (CDO) • Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience. • Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue. • Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives. • Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task. • Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments. • Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.
CDO marked YES apply to this course: Communication: YES Critical Thinking: YES Global Literacy: YES Information Literacy: YES COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE - Introduction
- The electronic mechanical
- InDesign and the InDesign environment
- Design: considering type and graphic elements
- Type fonts
- Typographic measurement
- Use of space
- Images
- Working with files
- Creating a new InDesign document
- Modifying the document setup
- Save options
- Tools, menus, and palettes
- The tool palette
- The menu bars
- Other palettes
- Navigating InDesign
- Zooming in and out
- Scrolling
- Resizing the window
- Frequently used shortcuts
- Guides, margins, and rulers
- Viewing, adjusting and removing guides
- Setting margins, columns and gutters
- Understanding the rulers
- Creating simple objects
- Creating lines and shapes
- Modifying shapes and content types
- Creating complex shapes
- The pen tools
- Anchor points and segments
- Closed and open paths
- Working with curves
- Merging shapes
- Positioning elements
- Duplicating and moving elements
- Stacking order
- Alignments
- Manipulating elements
- Modify dialog boxes vs. the measurement palette
- Skew, scale, rotate, flip, and move elements
- Applying transformations to elements
- Entering, editing, and importing text
- Selecting text
- Using cut/copy/delete/place and pasting of text
- Navigating through text blocks
- Overset text icon
- Linking text boxes
- Working with colors and frames
- Frames and background colors
- Using the swatches, color palettes
- Defining colors
- Blends
- Frames
- Paragraph formatting
- Paragraph styles
- Rules and paragraph leading
- Setting tabs
- Creating text on a path
- Text on circles
- Controlling the position of type on paths
- Character formatting
- Character styles
- Edit existing styles
- Images
- Placing images
- Copy/cut and paste images
- Scaling placed images
- Modifying image frames
- Cropping pictures
- Locating an image within a document
- Updating
- Master pages
- Creating elements on master pages
- Headers and footers
- Modifying master page items on document pages
- Working with text
- Spell check/dictionaries
- Hyphenation and justification
- Using find/change
- Double spaces after periods
- Hyphens, en- and em-dashes
- Smart quotes
- Rags, widows and orphans
- Story palette
- Glyphs palette
- Printing and packaging
- Page setup dialog box
- Printing your document
- Getting a document ready for a service provider
- Preflighting, packaging your document
- PDFs
- Separations
- Structuring your layouts.
- Grids
- Using custom grids and templates
- Kerning and tracking
- Working with shapes
- Complex merging
- Advanced pen tool techniques
- Complex text elements
- Converting text to paths
- Putting type inside of graphics
- Text on paths
- Text and graphics together
- Coloring text and text boxes
- Text wraps
- Alternative to automatic runarounds
- InDesign clipping paths
- Adjusting hyphenation and justification of text wraps
- Advanced styles
- Heirarchy
- Appending styles from another document
- Styles and workflow
- Creating object styles
- Working with long documents
- The importance of consistency
- Books
- Managing output
- Pre-sets
- Tiling
- Halftones and duotones
- Using the PPD manager
- Postscript and InDesign
- Creating an output request form
- Imposition
- Output tips
- Separations
Primary Faculty Mellebrand, Kristine Secondary Faculty Sarcona, Shaun Associate Dean Thero, Laura Dean Hutchison, Donald
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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