Mar 06, 2025
HITT 1201 - Pathophysiology & Pharmacology Applications in Health Information Credit Hours: 3.00 Prerequisites: Admission into the Health Information Technology Program; HITT 1102 , HITT 1105, and HITT 1106 all with grade C or better
Corequisites: HITT 1210 , HITT 1211 , and HITT 1209
The course focus is on description of conditions and diseases of the organ systems, including etiology, signs and symptoms, and methods of diagnosis and treatment. Students will build on their knowledge of anatomy and physiology and medical terminology through a detailed study of common pathological conditions and the drugs used in their treatment.
Billable Contact Hours: 3
When Offered: Winter semester only
Search for Sections Transfer Possibilities Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities. OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Outcome1: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to summarize basic pharmacology concepts.
- Explain the processes of pharmaceutical drug regulation and approval.
- Identify drug classes, schedules, and categories.
- Describe the different methods of drug delivery.
- Explain the effects on the body after a drug has been administered.
Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify biomedical sciences.
- Recognize and recall the normal human anatomy and physiology.
- Recognize, recall, and compare a number of diseases.
- Recognize and recall common treatments for the diseases covered in the course.
COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (CDO) • Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience. • Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue. • Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives. • Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task. • Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments. • Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.
CDO marked YES apply to this course: Communication: YES Critical Thinking: YES Information Literacy: YES Scientific Literacy: YES
- Introduction to Pathophysiology
- Drug Legislation
- Drug Forms and Routes of Administration
- Inflammation and Healing
- Immunity and Abnormal Response
- Anti-infective Drugs
- AIDS and Antiviral Drugs
- Skin Disorders
- Infection
- Dermatologic Drugs
- Anti-Fungal Drugs
- Substance Abuse
- Chronic Neurologic Disorders
- Psychiatric Drugs
- Drug Effects
- Steps in the Drug Cycle
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Musculoskeletal Drugs
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Cardiovascular Drugs
- Respiratory Disorders
- Pulmonary Drugs
- Digestive system Disorders
- Gastrointestinal Drugs
- Blood and Lymphatic Disorders
- Urinary System disorders
- Anticoagulant Thrombolytic Drugs
- Intravenous Fluids and Blood Products
- Urinary tract Drugs
- Acute Neurological Disorders
- Endocrine Disorders
- Neurologic Drugs
- Endocrine Drugs
- Antidiabetic Drugs
- Reproductive system Disorders
- Disorders of the Eye and Ear
- ENT Drugs
- Ophthalmic Drugs
- Neoplasms
- Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances
- Chemotherapy Drugs
- Relationship between Pregnancy and Disease
- Aging and Disease Processes
- Obstetric/Gynecologic Drugs
- Pain
- Environmental Hazards
- Anesthetics
- Analgesic Drugs
- Emergency Drugs
Primary Faculty Cellitti, Janet Secondary Faculty Dunsmore, Kristin Associate Dean Primeau, Paula Dean Mirijanian, Narine
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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