Feb 13, 2025
CHEM 1170 - General Chemistry 1Credit Hours: 4.00 Prerequisites: CHEM 1050 with grade C or better and MATH 1000 proficiency (demonstrated by math placement score, completing MATH 1000 with grade C or better, being enrolled in higher math, or having higher level math on transcript); or a passing score on the American Chemical Society Placement Test
This course, intended for those seeking a degree in science or a pre-professional program (e.g. engineering, pre-medical, etc.), examines the areas of atomic and molecular structure, chemical periodicity, chemical bonding, reactions and stoichiometry, thermodynamics, solutions, and gas laws. The laboratory component enhances the lecture topics and begins to develop the student’s repertoire of laboratory skills.
Contact Hours: 7 Billable Contact Hours: 7
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