GEN ED - Group IV (AAS, ABA) Credit Hours: Variable Associate of Applied Science & Associate of Business Administration General Education Group IV Requirements:
Take one (1) course from any of the following:
Art (ARTT), Creative Writing (ENGL 2410 or ENGL 2420 ) , Foreign Language (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GRMN, ITAL, SPAN), Humanities (HUMN), INTL 2000 , INTL 2300 , INTL 2800 , Literature (ENGL 1730 , ENGL 2000 , ENGL 2510 , ENGL 2520 , ENGL 2600 , ENGL 2610 , ENGL 2640 , ENGL 2715 , ENGL 2725 , ENGL 2730 , ENGL 2740 , ENGL 2800 , ENGL 2810 , ENGL 2850 ), Music (MUSC), Philosophy (PHIL), or any Wellness, Health and Exercise Science (WHES 2000 or higher)
Note: If students take one course from each of Groups I.A, II, III, and IV and still have taken less than the minimum of 15 credit hours of General Education courses required for the AAS & ABA degrees, they may elect additional hours from Group I.B, II, III, or IV to satisfy minimum degree requirements.
Billable Contact Hours: Variable
Scroll down for Course Content Outline Search for Sections Transfer Possibilities Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities. COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (CDO) CDO marked YES apply to this course: Primary Faculty Secondary Faculty Associate Dean Dean
Primary Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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