Mar 10, 2025  
College Catalog 2025-2026 
College Catalog 2025-2026
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NURS 2465 - Integration of Nursing Practice Clinical

Credit Hours: 3.00

Prerequisites: Admission into the Nursing Program; ;  or ; and  all with grade C or better, or grade Pass (if the course is a Pass/Fail course)

Corequisites:  and  

(replaces but does not equate to NURS 2830)

This patient‑centered clinical course helps students develop skills in providing and managing nursing care of diverse adult patients. Utilizing the framework of the nursing process, students will practice critical thinking, communication skills, application of technology, and professional responsibility while safely caring for patients with lifespan changes. Major emphasis will be on nursing care management and delegation of care to a group of patients with neurological, musculoskeletal, and oncology problems. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis. Students are required to pass this course to progress in the program.

Billable Contact Hours: 6

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Transfer Possibilities
Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities.
Outcome 1: The student will demonstrate critical thinking using clinical judgement to provide safe, culturally appropriate client and family-centered care.


  1. The student will demonstrate competence in physical assessment when caring for adult patients, including oncology, neurology, and musculoskeletal patient populations.
  2. The student will identify drug actions and nursing interventions appropriate to adult patients, including oncology, neurology, and musculoskeletal patient populations.
  3. The student will correctly compute and administer drugs to adult patients, including oncology, neurology, and musculoskeletal patient populations.
  4. The student will perform nursing interventions safely when caring for patients, including oncology, neurology, and musculoskeletal patient populations.

Outcome 2: The student will communicate effectively with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary healthcare team. 


  1. The student will document care accurately and consistently.
  2. The student will report changes in the patient’s condition promptly to the instructor and RN.
  3. The student will communicate therapeutically with the patient and family.
  4. The student will communicate patient care issues with other health care professionals.
  5. The student will teach the patient, family, and groups based on learning needs.

Outcome 3: The student demonstrates professionalism in his/her practice.


  1. The student will maintain confidentiality of information.
  2. The student will practice within the ethical and legal framework of nursing (ANA Scope and Standard of Practice).
  3. The student will promptly report unsafe, illegal, or inappropriate incidents to faculty and/or staff.
  4. The student will maintain professional appearance, attitude, and conduct.
  5. The student will acknowledge own limitations, seek assistance appropriately from faculty and staff, and assume responsibility for own learning and professional growth.
  6. The student will be receptive to feedback and use same to improve performance.

Outcome 4: The student demonstrates information literacy through utilizing a variety of resources including technology in nursing care. 


  1. The student will perform nursing interventions safely with adult patients, including oncology, neurology, and musculoskeletal patient populations.
  2. The student will utilize technology to obtain and record relevant data with adult patients, including oncology, neurology, and musculoskeletal patient populations.


  • Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience.
  • Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue.
  • Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives.
  • Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task.
  • Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments.
  • Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.
CDO marked YES apply to this course:
Communication: YES
Critical Thinking: YES
Global Literacy: YES
Information Literacy: YES
Quantitative Reasoning: YES
Scientific Literacy: YES

  1. Clinical Management Skills
    1. Organization of clinical day
    2. Assessments
    3. Delegation
    4. Interdisciplinary communication/SBAR
    5. Patient advocacy
    6. Staffing issues/unlicensed personnel
    7. Technology/electronic charting
    8. Conflict resolution
    9. Ethical considerations
  2. Clinical Reasoning
    1. Developing clinical judgement
    2. Clinical judgement/problem-solving
    3. Priortization of care
  3. Quality Improvement
    1. Safety events
      1. Patient falls
      2. Changes in patient’s status
      3. Transfer to other unit/facility/admission to hospice
      4. Deaths
  4. National Patient Safety Goals

a. Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs)
b. Pressure Ulcer Prevention
c. Anticoagulation Safety
d. Catheter-acquired Urinary Tract Infections

  1. Medication Safety
    1. Legal/ethical considerations
    2. Medication documentation
    3. Intravenous push (IVP) medications 
    4. Importance of detailed documentation
  2. Prevention of complications
    1. Patient teaching
    2. Discharge Planning  

Primary Faculty
Berriman-Sauve, Christy
Secondary Faculty

Associate Dean
Shaw, Andrea
Mirijanian, Narine

Primary Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

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