VETT 1580 - Veterinary Technician Internship 1 Credit Hours: 4.00 Prerequisites: Admission into the Veterinary Technician Program; VETT 1220 , VETT 1230 , VETT 1300 , VETT 1310 , VETT 1440 , VETT 1450 , and VETT 1700 all with grade C or better
This course provides veterinary technician students with supervised clinical experience in an affiliated animal facility. Students gain experience with practical skills that are commonly performed in veterinary practice.
Billable Contact Hours: 7
When Offered: Spring/Summer semester only
Search for Sections Transfer Possibilities Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities. OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Outcome A: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate office procedures.Objectives: - Maintain a clean and orderly front desk and client reception area.
- Demonstrate appropriate use and maintenance of the patient/client financial and medical records systems, including integrating and filing laboratory reports, radiographs, etc.
- Demonstrate knowledge of ethics, laws and regulations, including preparation and filing of health certificates, etc.
- Demonstrate knowledge of OSHA regulations in a veterinary practice.
- Ability to use the computer for making receipts, sending reminders, doing inventory, etc.
- Communicate with the public on the telephone, and in person.
- Demonstrate how to deal appropriately with first aid and emergency situations in person and on the telephone.
Outcome B: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate examination room procedures. Objectives: - Demonstrate a familiarity with equipment and supplies used in the examination room and keep them properly stocked.
- Demonstrate how to determine and know “normal” in dog and cat species for the following: temperature, pulse, and respiration.
- Demonstrate the ability to correctly use a stethoscope.
- Demonstrate appropriate administration of routine vaccinations under supervision.
- Identify the common breeds of the following species: dog, cat, bird, and laboratory animals.
- Demonstrate appropriate restraint techniques with consideration of personal and patient safety.
- Understand routine hospital procedures, such as elective surgeries, dental work, worming, home care of patient, etc.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic nutrition principles for the common species.
- Properly collect the following specimens: blood, urine (catheterization - male), urine (cystocentesis), urine (free-flow), skin scrapings, fecal samples, culture samples, and cytology specimens.
- Correctly administer drugs under doctor supervision.
- Appropriately perform the following elective procedures: express anal glands, clean ears, and trim toenails.
Outcome C: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate pharmacology procedures. Objectives: - Demonstrate how to appropriately label and package dispensed drugs.
- Demonstrate the ability to read and fill a prescription.
- Demonstrate the ability to the correct use of weights and measures.
- Demonstrate the ability to correctly calculate dosages.
- Demonstrate the appropriate handling and storage of biologic and therapeutic agents.
- Demonstrate appropriate handling of controlled substances.
- Demonstrate the ability to learn and apply drug inventory control procedures.
- Demonstrate how to correctly prepare and monitor intravenous fluids.
- Demonstrate how to read and apply information on drug labels and package inserts.
- Describe how to recognize normal versus abnormal responses to medication.
Outcome D: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate surgery procedures. Objectives: - Observe, but not necessarily assist with, the following procedures: ovariohysterectomy, castration, cesarean section, orthopedic procedures, tail dock, dewclaw removal, cat declaw, soft tissue surgery, and dystocia.
- Demonstrate appropriate preparation of the surgical patient, surgical site, surgical suite, surgical pack, and surgical personnel.
- Demonstrate appropriate sterilization of equipment by various methods.
- Demonstrate appropriate autoclave operation and maintenance.
- Demonstrate knowledge of different types of suture material.
- Demonstrate appropriate post-operative clean up of the patient, surgical suite, instruments, and equipment.
- Identify common surgical instrument, and demonstrate the proper handling of these instruments.
Outcome E: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate anesthesiology procedures. Objectives: - Demonstrate knowledge of common pre-anesthetic and anesthetic drugs and their appropriate usage.
- Demonstrate knowledge of operation and maintenance of inhalation anesthesia equipment.
- Demonstrate knowledge of levels of general anesthesia, and maintaining the patient at the instructed level of anesthesia.
- Recognize and respond to anesthetic emergencies.
- Demonstrate the ability to intubate a canine and feline patient.
- Demonstrate how to maintain appropriate levels of inhalation gases.
- Demonstrate how to monitor vital signs during anesthesia.
- Demonstrate appropriate monitoring and care of the post-op patient.
Outcome F: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate general animal care procedures. Objectives: - Identify different types of bandage material, and demonstrate how to handle each type.
- Demonstrate and explain how to appropriately remove sutures.
- Demonstrate how to perform dental procedures.
- Demonstrate how to perform therapeutic bathing and grooming.
- Explain appropriate orphan care, including tube feeding.
- Demonstrate how to apply appropriate inpatient feeding and nutrition.
- Demonstrate how to maintain appropriate cleanliness, sanitation and odor control for the patient and the hospital.
- Demonstrate and explain how to appropriately administer enemas.
- Demonstrate how to administer appropriate emergency care to trauma patients.
- Demonstrate the use of appropriate procedures to clean, prepare, and debride open wounds and/or abscesses under doctor’s supervision.
Outcome G: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate radiology procedures. Objectives: - Explain the potential radiation hazards, and demonstrate the appropriate uses of safety equipment.
- Explain how to make and use a technique chart, or maintain an x-ray log.
- Demonstrate how to take and develop diagnostic radiographs.
- Demonstrate how to replace and/or replenish developer and fixer solutions.
- Demonstrate how to use methods of labeling, filing and storing of radiographs.
- Explain how to determine and correct causes of faulty radiographs.
- Demonstrate the appropriate maintenance of x-ray equipment.
- Demonstrate a functional knowledge of the principles of x-ray production.
Outcome H: Upon completion of this course, students will understand and demonstrate laboratory procedures. Objectives: - Demonstrate the appropriate procedure for a complete urinalysis.
- Demonstrate the appropriate procedure for skin scraping, collection of ectoparasites, use of the Wood’s lamp, and use of fungal cultures.
- Identify common ectoparasites.
- Demonstrate appropriate procedure for fecal analysis for parasites, fat, and occult blood.
- Demonstrate the appropriate procedure for heartworm testing.
- Demonstrate the appropriate procedure for vaginal cytology examination.
- Demonstrate the appropriate procedure making and staining blood smears.
- Demonstrate the appropriate procedure for a manual white blood count, differential white blood cell count, red blood cell count, platelet count, PCV, hemoglobin determination, and clotting time.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic blood chemistries.
- Demonstrate the appropriate procedure for preparing a sample for bacterial culture and sensitivity.
- Identify common bacteria.
- Demonstrate knowledge of necropsy, and euthanasia procedures.
- Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate care, maintenance and quality control of laboratory equipment.
- Demonstrate appropriate handling of pertinent data, reports, and records (including quality control).
COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (CDO) • Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience. • Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue. • Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives. • Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task. • Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments. • Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.
CDO marked YES apply to this course: Communication: YES Critical Thinking: YES Global Literacy: YES Information Literacy: YES Quantitative Reasoning: YES Scientific Literacy: YES
- Examination Room Procedures
- Pharmacology Procedures
- Surgery Procedures
- Anesthesia Procedures
- General Animal Care Procedures
- Radiology Procedures
- Laboratory Procedures
Primary Faculty Tear, Marianne Secondary Faculty Associate Dean Shaw, Andrea Dean Mirijanian, Narine
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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