RSPT 1050 - Clinical Cardiorespiratory Physiologic Anatomy Credit Hours: 4.00 Prerequisites: Admission into the Respiratory Therapy Program; BIOL 2710 , and BIOL 2730 or BIOL 2400 all with grade C or better
Corequisites: RSPT 1060 and RSPT 1085
RSPT 1050 teaches respiratory and cardiac anatomy and physiology with a focus on clinical application. Topics include anatomy and physiology, ventilation, pulmonary function measurements, gas diffusion, oxygen and carbon dioxide equilibration and transport, acid‑base regulation and ventilation/perfusion relationships.
Billable Contact Hours: 4
When Offered: Fall semester only
Search for Sections Transfer Possibilities Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities. OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course, students will describe the anatomy of the cardiopulmonary system.Objectives: - Given a model of the upper or lower airway, identify the key structures.
- Define the directional terms and abdominal quadrants and regions and use these terms to describe anatomical locations.
- Describe the major structures and functions of the upper and lower airways.
- Name the lobes and segments of the lungs.
- Identify the anatomic landmarks of the thorax.
- List the primary and accessory muscles of inspiration and expiration.
- Diagram the heart indicating the chambers, blood vessels that enter and leave the heart, cardiac valves, layers of heart muscle, pericardium and blood supply to the myocardial tissues.
- Diagram the electrical conduction system of the heart and state the normal rate associated with each intrinsic pacemaker.
Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, students will describe how spontaneous ventilation occurs. Objectives: - Diagram the lungs and thorax detailing the lung pressures and pressure gradients.
- Describe how the movement of the diaphragm affects lung pressures.
- Discuss the effects of surface tension on lung function.
- Given appropriate data, define compliance and resistance and calculate each.
- Define and describe the importance of deadspace ventilation.
- Given a graph of a ventilatory pattern, identify the ventilation pattern present.
Outcome 3: Upon completion of this course, students will list the steps of how a gas moves from the atmosphere to the bloodstream, and ultimately to the tissues. Objectives: - List the major gases present in the atmosphere and demonstrate how to determine the partial pressure of each gas and the total gas present.
- Given the appropriate information, calculate the PAO2.
- Diagram the pathway of gas diffusion across the alveolar capillary (AC) membrane and describe how each can affect gas diffusion.
- Explain how the DLCO test is performed to determine diffusion defects in the lung.
- Differentiate between hypoxia and hypoxemia and state how each are determined.
- List the indices that are used to assess oxygenation and describe how each affect the total amount of oxygen carried in the blood.
- Given appropriate known values, calculate the oxygen content, oxygen content difference, and oxygen delivery.
- List the factors that shift the oxyhemoglobin curve to the right and to the left.
- State the causes of hypoxemia and how each is treated.
- List the types of hypoxia and give an example of each.
- Explain how the V/Q ratio is derived and state the normal value.
- Given appropriate data, identify the types of V/Q ratios, and state a condition associated with this ratio.
- Given appropriate data, calculate the V/Q and deadspace fraction.
- List the types of deadspace and state how each are calculated.
Outcome 4: Upon completion of this course, students will describe how carbon dioxide is removed from the body and interpret laboratory values associated with blood-gas and acid-base values. Objectives: - List the three ways CO2 is transported in the plasma and the three ways it is transported in the RBC.
- Given the appropriate data, calculate the carbon dioxide content and state the normal values for each parameter.
- Describe the relationship between PaCO2, H ions, and pH.
- Describe the ratio of HCO3ions to H2CO3 (PaCO2).
- Given appropriate acid-base data, describe the acid-base status including level of compensation, oxygenation status, and state a possible cause of for the disorder.
- Differentiate between acute and chronic respiratory/ventilatory failure and identify acid-base disturbances that requires mechanical ventilation.
- Given an ABG, identify an acute exacerbation of COPD.
Outcome 5: Upon completion of this course, students will describe how ventilation is regulated. Objectives: - Describe the function of the respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata, apneustic, and pneumotaxic centers.
- Describe the function of the central and peripheral chemoreceptors.
- List and describe the various reflexes associated with ventilation.
Outcome 6: Upon completion of this course, students will describe the function of the cardiovascular system. Objectives: - List and describe the function of the various components of blood.
- Given appropriate data, calculate cardiac output, stroke volume, blood pressure, and vascular resistance and identify if each is out of range.
- List the factors that regulate stroke volume.
- Explain how the baroreceptors function to affect blood pressure.
- Describe the function of a pulmonary artery catheter and state how pulmonary capillary wedge pressure can be used to determine the type of heart failure present.
Outcome 7: Upon completion of this course, students will describe how pulmonary function is assessed and used in the diagnosis of pulmonary disease. Objectives: - List and describe the technique for determining the volumes and capacities of the lung and state their normal values.
- Using graph paper, diagram and calculate the key volumes and flowrates associated with a pulmonary function study.
- Given pulmonary function data, identify the process as obstructive, restrictive, mixed, or normal.
COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (CDO) • Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience. • Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue. • Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives. • Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task. • Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments. • Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.
CDO marked YES apply to this course: Communication: YES Critical Thinking: YES Global Literacy: YES Information Literacy: YES Quantitative Reasoning: YES Scientific Literacy: YES
- Directional Terms
- Planes of the Body
- Anatomy of the Respiratory System
- Tissue Epithelium
- Upper Airway
- Lower Airway
- Site of Gas Exchange
- Pulmonary Vascular System
- Neural Control
- Lungs
- Mediastinum
- Thorax
- Muscles of Ventilation
- Ventilation
- Pressure Differences
- Mechanics of Ventilation
- Static Characteristics of the Lung
- Elastic
- Surface Tension
- Dynamic Characteristics of the Lung
- Ventilatory Patterns
- Diffusion
- Dalton’s Law
- AlveolarCapillary structure
- Alveolar Gas Equation
- Gas Diffusion across the AC membrane
- Pulmonary Function
- Lung Volumes
- Lung Capacities
- Pulmonary Function Studies
- Circulatory System
- Blood Composition
- Heart Anatomy
- Systemic and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
- Conduction System
- Electrocardiography
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Failure
- Baroreceptors
- Blood Volume
- Oxygen Transport
- Oxygen Transport
- Oxygen Dissociation Curve
- Tissue Hypoxia
- Cyanosis
- Polycythemia
- Pulse Oximetry
- Carbon Dioxide Transport
- Carbon Dioxide Transport
- Carbon Dioxide Elimination
- Carbon Dioxide Dissociation Curve
- Acid-Base Balance
- Base Excess/Deficit
- Ventilation Perfusion Relationships
- Control of Breathing
Primary Faculty Niemer, Laurie Secondary Faculty Zahodnic, Richard Associate Dean Shaw, Andrea Dean Mirijanian, Narine
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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