OTAS 1370 - Therapeutic & Psychosocial Intervention-Lab Credit Hours: 2.00 Prerequisites: Admission into the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program; OTAS 1000 , OTAS 1012 , OTAS 1110 , OTAS 1210 , OTAS 1230 , and OTAS 1235 all with grade C or better
Corequisites: OTAS 1300 , OTAS 1351 , OTAS 1361 , OTAS 1401 , and OTAS 1420
This course is lab‑based with a lecture component designed to instruct the student in various skills required for intervention with clients across the lifespan experiencing psychosocial dysfunction. The course will emphasize therapeutic use of self, response to symptoms, group dynamics, leadership styles, group and individual planning and development, and the application of practice models and frames of references. This course emphasizes the development of clinical reasoning skills. The student will be required to develop and document an evidenced‑based group intervention protocol as well as a discharge plan promoting wellness.
Billable Contact Hours: 4
Search for Sections Transfer Possibilities Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities. OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate acquired competency through:
- Articulating the contexts and environments of psychosocial intervention, including those of physical dysfunction.
- Articulate the history and trends of OT intervention.
- Explain and describe the types of psychosocial settings, traditional and emerging practice.
- Identify and explain the variety of clients seen by OT for psychosocial intervention.
- Articulate knowledge for the need of interprofessional team approaches.
- Articulation and application of the occupational therapy intervention process as it relates to psychosocial wellness promotion, occupational roles and therapeutic use of self across the lifespan.
- Articulate and apply the OT process to psychosocial intervention.
- Articulate collaboration and roles of the OT and OTA.
- Explain the role of psychosocial assessment tools and their application.
- Examine various psychosocial assessments and their uses through an assessment critique.
- Demonstrate different approaches to a variety of clients with psychosocial interviews to generate an occupational profile.
- Articulate and apply therapeutic use of self in response to behavioral signs and symptoms for both individual and group interaction.
- Examine the implementation of group intervention based on principles of group development and group dynamics across the lifespan.
- Examine and articulate the use of appropriate and community programming to support performance in the client’s natural environment and participation in all contexts relevant to the client.
- Facilitate discharge planning for clients and caregivers as a process that includes identification of community, human and fiscal resources, recommendations and home programming.
- Articulation of the impact of communication in psychosocial intervention and application of therapeutic use of self‐principles and skills.
- Articulate and demonstrate the principles of basic therapeutic communication and the impact of culture.
- Articulate barriers to therapeutic communications with psychosocial intervention.
- Articulate and demonstrate active listening skills required with psychosocial intervention.
- Articulate and demonstrate the difference between professional and impersonal approaches, therapeutic use of self and limited self‐disclosure.
- Articulate and demonstrate the constructive feedback of behavior with clients of various ages.
- Articulate and demonstrate therapeutic use of self in response to behavioral signs and symptoms with both individual and group interaction.
- Articulating, applying and analyzing the planning, organization and the leadership skills necessary with group and individual psychosocial intervention with purposeful and occupation‐based activity.
- Articulate and apply intervention concepts related to occupation, health and wellness with psychosocial interaction.
- Articulate and apply knowledge intervention planning and strategies that are culturally relevant and based on evidence for group intervention across the lifespan.
- Apply the use of psychosocial frames of reference and their relationship to the occupational therapy process, occupation‐based intervention and the occupational therapy practice framework.
- Develop and apply occupation‐based intervention plans and strategies based with client‐centered practice.
- Articulate and demonstrate leadership styles in relationship to group dynamics and development.
- Demonstrate leadership skills that emphasize the teaching‐learning process with clients.
- Identify and articulate the stages of group development and dynamics.
- Develop and apply an evidence based group interventions protocol.
- Select and provide direct occupational therapy interventions and procedures to enhance safety, health and wellness, and performance in ADLs, IADLs, education, work, play, rest & sleep, leisure, and social participation.
- Articulate and implement intervention strategies to remediate and/or compensate for cognitive deficits that affect occupational performance.
- Develop and apply intervention plans and strategies for psychosocial interactions that are culturally relevant, reflective of current occupational therapy practice and available evidence.
- Articulate and demonstrate the implementation of group intervention based on principles of group development and group dynamics across the lifespan.
- Articulating and applying the factors of safety required with psychosocial interaction.
- Describe, obtain a familiarity and demonstrate the role of nonviolent crisis intervention in response to typical psychosocial signs, symptoms and behaviors.
- Articulate the safety procedures, precautions and contraindications in psychosocial settngs that include suicide, accounting for materials, and expected and unexpected behaviors of clients.
- Identify and articulate the responsibilities and role of the OT/OTA in the promotion and adherence of a safe environment for clients across the lifespan.
- Describe the implications of psychopharmacology on client function and the role of OT.
COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (CDO) • Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience. • Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue. • Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives. • Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task. • Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments. • Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.
CDO marked YES apply to this course: Communication: YES Critical Thinking: YES Global Literacy: YES Information Literacy: YES Scientific Literacy: YES
- Contexts and Environment of Psychosocial Intervention
- History and trends
- Psychosocial settings
- Traditional
- Emerging practice
- Lifestyle re‐design
- Bullying
- Domestic violence
- Clients across the lifespan
- Psychosocial and behaviors requiring intervention
- Psychosocial behaviors resulting from physical dysfunction
- Interprofessional teams
- Laws and regulations
- Michigan Mental Health Code
- Application to psychosocial intervention
- Occupational Therapy Process
- Role delineation and collaboration of the OT/OTA in the OT process
- Application to psychosocial intervention
- Models of practice and frames of reference
- Person‐Environment‐Occupation Model (PEO)
- Promotion of health and wellness
- Occupational roles
- Evaluation and Data Gathering
- Occupational profiles
- Psychosocial assessments
- Gathering data and evidence‐based practice
- Researching assessments
- Critique of assessments
- Psychosocial interviews
- Intervention and Implementation
- Intervention concepts related to occupation, health and wellness
- Methods of intervention across the lifespan
- Groups
- Individual
- Planning intervention across the lifespan
- Protocols
- Individual intervention plans
- Implementing across the lifespan
- Groups
- Individuals
- Outcomes
- Promoting health and wellness
- Participation and engagement in the client’s natural environment and in relevant context.
- Health and wellness promotion
- Facilitating discharge planning
- The process of discharge planning and the identification of recommendations
- Community programming
- Identification of community, human and fiscal resources
- Home programming for the client’s natural environment
- Therapeutic Use of Self/Managing Difficult Behaviors
- The intentional relationship
- Barriers to client communications
- Different communication styles
- The impact of culture on communication behavior and bias
- Signs and symptoms
- Active listening skills for data gathering
- Difference between professional and impersonal approaches
- Limited self‐disclosure with intervention
- Transference and countertransference
- Constructive feedback in client‐clinician interaction/communications
- Responding to behavioral signs and symptoms
- Individually
- Group
- Planning and Organizing Group Intervention
- Identifying culturally relevant and evidence‐based intervention
- Applying psychosocial frames of reference
- Occupation‐based intervention planning and strategies on stated needs of clients
- Interventions based on:
- Health and wellness
- Performance areas
- Safety
- Cognitive performance and deficits
- Leadership styles and skills
- Teaching‐learning strategies
- Group dynamics and development across the lifespan
- Evidence‐based intervention
- Safety interventions
- Application of Clinical Reasoning
- Development of a group protocol
- Based on client needs and lifespan development and tasks
- Based on frames of reference
- Based on purposeful activities and occupation
- Promotes health and wellness
- Documentation of a group protocol
- Safety Issues and Concerns with Psychosocial Interventions
- Role of OT and OTA in the provision of a safe intervention environment
- Safety procedures, precautions and contraindications
- Suicide precautions
- Non‐violent crisis intervention
- Psychopharmacology
- Demonstrations in Application of:
- Evidence‐based group planning
- Group leadership
- Activity selection and progression
- Therapeutic use of self
- Intervention safety.
- Clinical reasoning follow through of protocol
Primary Faculty Seefried, Mariea Secondary Faculty Wysocki, Pennie Associate Dean Primeau, Paula Dean Mirijanian, Narine
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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