Feb 16, 2025  
College Catalog 2022-2023 
College Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CIVL 2220 - Materials Testing

Credit Hours: 3.00

Prerequisites: CIVL 1000 

This course will emphasize field and laboratory test studies for identification, classification, and control of materials. Structure, composition, and engineering properties of aggregates, cement, steel, concrete, and asphalt. The student will create mix designs, practice quality control, create reports, and perform nondestructive testing.

Billable Contact Hours: 4

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Transfer Possibilities
Michigan Transfer Network (MiTransfer) - Utilize this website to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities.
Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to classify aggregates to industry standards.


  1. Define aggregates.
  2. Define different classifications of aggregates.
  3. Analyze gradation sizes.
  4. Specify aggregate gravity and specific weight.

Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to write and submit a report account to industry standards.


  1. Write aggregate evaluation report.
  2. Write properties of cement paste and mortar report.
  3. Write properties of fresh and harden concrete report.
  4. Write rapid chloride (RCT) and void analysis report.
  5. Write corrosion mapping report.
  6. Write eddy current, rebar location report.
  7. Write tensile strength of steel report.
  8. Write a geosynthetic material testing report.
  9. Write a report on a concrete plant visit.
  10. Write a report on asphalt testing laboratory visit.

Outcome 3: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to accurately measure and mix construction materials.


  1. Measure construction materials.
  2. Mix construction.

Outcome 4: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to understand industry-testing procedures, requirements and interpret results.


  1. Understand industry-testing procedures (ASTM).
  2. Write a report on ultrasonic pulse velocity testing.

Outcome 5: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to write field reports on a testing laboratory about the actual test results obtained from field trips.


  1. Interpret testing results.

• Communication: The graduate can communicate effectively for the intended purpose and audience.
• Critical Thinking: The graduate can make informed decisions after analyzing information or evidence related to the issue.
• Global Literacy: The graduate can analyze human behavior or experiences through cultural, social, political, or economic perspectives.
• Information Literacy: The graduate can responsibly use information gathered from a variety of formats in order to complete a task.
• Quantitative Reasoning: The graduate can apply quantitative methods or evidence to solve problems or make judgments.
• Scientific Literacy: The graduate can produce or interpret scientific information presented in a variety of formats.

CDO marked YES apply to this course:
Critical Thinking: YES
Information Literacy: YES
Quantitative Reasoning: YES
Scientific Literacy: YES

Week Topic

  1. Orientation, General Information, Aggregate evaluation
  2. Gradation Analysis
  3. Specific Gravity and Unit Weight Report Due, Test 1
  4. Setting Time of Cement Paste and Mortar Cubes, Report Due
  5. Fresh Concrete Properties (Slump and Air Content), 6 x 12” Concrete Cylinder Samples and 7 Day Compressive Strength of Mortar Cubes, Report Due
  6. Hardened Concrete and 14-Day Compressive Strength of Mortar Cubes
  7. Harden Concrete Corrosion Mapping, Report Due
  8. Mortar Cubes, Rapid Chloride Test, Midterm
  9. Harden Concrete, Eddy Current Rebar Location, Report Due
  10. Concrete Plant Visit, Guest Speaker
  11. Introduction to Nondestructive Testing, Report Due
  12. Void Analysis, Test 3
  13. Asphalt Testing Laboratory Visit, Report Due
  14. Geosynthetic Material Testing
  15. Final Reports Due
  16. Final Exam

Primary Faculty
Grant, Janice
Secondary Faculty

Associate Dean
Jewett, Mark
Hutchison, Donald

Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

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