Mar 06, 2025  
Official Course Syllabi 2020-2021 
Official Course Syllabi 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ATAM 1160 - Mathematics-Algebra

Credit Hours: 2.00

Prerequisites: ATAM 1150 or consent of apprenticeship coordinator

Fundamental operations of positive and negative numbers, grouping symbols, algebraic axioms, equations, special products and factoring. Solution of practical shop problems.

Location: South Campus

Contact Hours: 2
Billable Contact Hours: 2
Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to describe applications in order of operations in algebraic language.


  1. Using signed numbers, exponents and square roots in algebraic expression, solve problems with 80% accuracy.
  2. Using the proper order of operations for adding and subtracting algebraic expressions, solve problems with 80% accuracy.
  3. Using the proper order of operations, solve simple algebraic expressions with 80% accuracy.

Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to describe applications in solving algebraic equations.


  1. Using the proper order of operations, solve algebraic equations involving two operations with 80% accuracy.
  2. Using the proper order of operations, solve for algebraic equation factoring and changing priorities with 80% accuracy.
  3. Using the proper order of operations for solve industrial formulas with 80% accuracy.

Outcome 3: Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to describe applications in solving algebraic expressions.


  1. Using algebraic operations, solve industrial word problems with 80% accuracy.
  2. Using the proper order of operations in algebra, solve problems with multiplication and division of positive and negative numbers and exponents.
  3. Using the proper order of operations in algebra, solve problems with scientific notation, unit conversion and system equations.

(Bulleted outcomes apply to the course)

  • 1. The graduate can integrate the knowledge and technological skills necessary to be a successful learner.
  1. The graduate can demonstrate how to think competently.
  • 3. The graduate can demonstrate how to employ mathematical knowledge.
  • 4. The graduate can demonstrate how to communicate competently.
  1. The graduate is sensitive to issues relating to a diverse, global society.

  1. Signed Numbers - Exponents and Square Roots
  2. Algebraic Language; Order of Operations
  3. Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Expressions; Like Terms
  4. Solving Simple Equations
  5. Equations Involving Two Operations
  6. More Equations; Removing Parentheses; Factoring
  7. Solving Formulas
  8. Solving Word Problems
  9. Multiplying and Dividing Algebraic Expressions; Positive and Negative Exponents
  10. Multiplying Similar Binomials by Inspection
  11. Scientific Notation; Conversions with Decimal; Multiplying and Dividing
  12. Unit Conversions
  13. Systems of Equations; Solution by Substitution; Dependent and Inconsistent Systems

Primary Faculty
Gordon, Victoria
Secondary Faculty

Associate Dean
Pawlowski, Timothy
Hutchison, Donald

Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088

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