VETT 2480 - Clinical Pathology 2-Lecture Credit Hours: 1.00 Prerequisites: Admission into the Veterinary Technician Program; VETT 2050, VETT 2060, VETT 2200, VETT 2320, VETT 2330, VETT 2340, VETT 2620, and VETT 2630 all with grade C or better
This course instructs veterinary technician students in the principles of commonly utilized laboratory tests in veterinary medicine. Topics covered and emphasized include clinical pathology, clinical chemistry, blood functions, bacteriology, cytology, mycology, endocrinology, and virology. The course also correlates the performance, purpose, and clinical significance of the tests with the factors necessary for quality control.
Contact Hours: 1
Center Campus
OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Outcome A: Upon completion of this course, students will identify the veterinary technician’s role in clinical pathology and the appropriate steps to minimize laboratory error and increase quality control.
- Describe the veterinary technician’s role in the lab.
- List and describe the three main areas of quality control.
- List and describe the three common types of errors in the lab.
- Describe correct specimen collection and handling.
- Describe factors that can influence results.
- Explain the correct way to label samples.
Outcome B: Upon completion of this course, students will identify the procedure and need for clinical chemistry tests.
- Define clinical enzymology.
- Identify the various units of measurement.
- Explain the principles of spectrophotometry.
- Describe the basic functions of various body organs (kidney, liver, and pancreas).
- Identify which tests are used to evaluate each body organ or system.
Outcome C: Upon completion of this course, students will identify normal and abnormal blood functions including coagulations factors and blood typing.
- Define reticulocyte.
- List the four events of hemostasis.
- Identify the various tests used to evaluate coagulation.
- Explain the process of blood collection and transfusion.
- List the different canine blood types.
- List the different feline blood types.
- Describe the procedures available for determining blood type.
- Recognize signs of a transfusion reaction.
- Describe the cross match procedure.
Outcome D: Upon completion of this course, students will describe testing for common diseases related to mycology, bacteriology, cytology, and virology.
- Define dermatophyte.
- Explain the specimen collection procedure.
- Describe the various types of fungal infections and explain the process of diagnosis and treatment.
- List three types of microorganisms.
- Define microbiology.
- Define bacteria.
- Describe the staining properties, morphology, cell arrangement, oxygen requirements, and culture characteristics of various bacteria studied in this course.
- Explain culture and sensitivity testing.
- Describe the two interpretations of the zones of inhibition.
- Define virology.
- Describe the appropriate immunological tests used for diagnosis of common viral diseases.
- Define serology.
Outcome E: Upon completion of this course, students will describe collection and testing of cytology samples.
- List the reasons for performing a vaginal cytology.
- List and describe the steps involved in collecting a vaginal cytology sample.
- Explain the four stages of estrus.
- Describe the characteristics of a vaginal cytology for anestrus, proestrus, estrus, and diestrus.
- Explain the steps in sperm collection.
- List the five areas of sperm evaluation.
- Describe how LH and progesterone tests are is used to determine optimum breeding time in the bitch.
- Define malignant and benign.
- Explain the difference between transudate and exudate.
- Describe the steps to perform a fine needle aspirate.
- Describe the steps to perform a solid tissue impression smear.
- List the criteria for malignancy.
Outcome F: Upon completion of this course, students will identify the procedure and need for endocrine and exocrine tests.
- List the two major functions of the pancreas.
- Define exocrine and endocrine.
- List and describe the common exocrine and endocrine tests.
- List three exocrine digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas.
- Describe the role of insulin in the body.
- Describe the role of adrenal, pancreatic, and thyroid hormones in the body as they relate to testing.
COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (Bulleted outcomes apply to the course)
- 1. The graduate can integrate the knowledge and technological skills necessary to be a successful learner.
- 2. The graduate can demonstrate how to think competently.
- 3. The graduate can demonstrate how to employ mathematical knowledge.
- 4. The graduate can demonstrate how to communicate competently.
- The graduate is sensitive to issues relating to a diverse, global society.
- Clinical pathology, Quality Control, and Clinical Chemistry
- Endocrinology and Cytology
- Electrolytes, Reticulocytes, Blood Parasites, and Bone Marrow
- Coagulation and Blood Types
- Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, and Immunology
- Vaginal Cytology and Sperm Analysis
Primary Faculty Delauter, Julie Secondary Faculty Associate Dean Roose, Diane Dean Mirijanian, Narine
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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