ATBC 1400 - Construction - Hand Woodworking Tools - Care & Use Credits: 3.00 (3 contact hrs) This course consists of the selection, safe use, and maintenance of hand woodworking tools used in the carpentry and building maintenance occupations. For example: framing square, sawing tools, planes, cutting edge tools, coring tools, smoothing tools, and layout tools. South Campus.
OUTCOMES AND OBJECTIVES Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course, students will be able identify various different measuring tools.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify spring-joint rules.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify steel tapes.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify pocket tape rules.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify caliper rules.
Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, students will be able identify various layout tools.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the rafter and framing square.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify wood marking gauges.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify try and miter squares.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the combination square.
Outcome 3: Upon completion of this course, students will be able identify various testing tools.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify spirit levels.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify line levels.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify plumb bobs.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the builders level and the builders transit level.
Outcome 4: Upon completion of this course, students will be able identify various sawing tools.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the hand crosscut saw and the ripsaw.
- Given drawings with text support and the actual object, the student will identify compass and keyhole saw.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify coping saw.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the backsaw.
Outcome 5: Upon completion of this course, students will be able identify various bench planes.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the jointer plane.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the fore plane.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the jack plane.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the smooth plane.
- Given a drawing with text support and the actual object, the student will identify the block plane.
COMMON DEGREE OUTCOMES (Bulleted outcomes apply to the course)
- 1. The graduate can integrate the knowledge and technological skills necessary to be a successful learner.
- 2. The graduate can demonstrate how to think competently.
- The graduate can demonstrate how to employ mathematical knowledge.
- 4. The graduate can demonstrate how to communicate competently.
- The graduate is sensitive to issues relating to a diverse, global society.
COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE 1. Introductions and Announcements
2. An Outline of Early American Hand tools
3. Uses of Various Measuring Tools
4. Performance and Use of Framing Square
5. Layout Tools and Their Function
6. Methods of Using Checking Equipment
7. Description of Various Saws and Saw Operations
8. How to Refit (Sharpen) Handsaws
9. A Discussion of Bench Planes and Their Uses
10. Special Planes and Their Applications
11. Uses of Edge Cutting Tools
12. Boring Tools - Regular and Special
13. Nails and Their Values as Fasteners
14. Screw Selection for a Specific Function - Related Screw Drivers Primary Faculty Grant, Janice Secondary Faculty Associate Dean Pawlowski, Timothy
Official Course Syllabus - Macomb Community College, 14500 E 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48088
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